Tuesday, October 15th 2024

Is 60 second trading stressing you out? Do you find 15 to 30 minute expiries similar to watching paint dry?                                         Trader Ed                              


          Don't Give Up Yet! Presenting The New Trader Ed's Easy

Turbo 5 Minute Binary Options Trading System


This Turbo 5 Minute Bin/Ops Trading System Will Knock Your Socks Off!

Turbo 5 Minute System


 From The desk of Trader Ed : Hello Fellow Traders,

Well, here we are again, over one year later. Not complaining but it hasn't been easy. "Hey Ed, I thought the new system was easy!" Yes it is very easy to trade, probably the easiest that I have created so far. But, you know what? It is 10 times harder to create an easy simplistic trading system than it is to create a hard, complicated, confusing, excess multiple indicator laden system (that resembles a Christmas tree). Not to mention that they usually cost $97. to $297. and don't work most of the time. Don't know about you but I still prefer a KISS trading system no matter how long it takes me to get it right. Many of you that are already trading one or more of my binary options systems like the Put/Call to the Binary Options Scalper and even the 60 Second strategy know that I strive for simplicity and accuracy but still try to provide superior one on one personal email support as rapidly as possible. This new 5 minutes expiry system will satisfy the more experienced trader but also is well within the realm of the newer trader that with no offense intended, we call newbies. Not to be bragging but if you have never experienced one of my binary options trading systems, you are in for a treat. So without any further ado, I still stubbornly believe that a pic is worth a 1000 words if not a lot more. Here are a few pics of the pairs we usually trade with this new 5 minute system at the opening first few hours of the N.Y.session.

Euro/U.S. Dollar : First couple Of Hours Of The New York Session

Turbo 5 Minute System

As you can see in the above image, I have indicated some of the terms for the benefit of the newbies. First off we receive the gold signal dot along with an audio/text box alert to a possible PUT if above the bar or CALL if below the bar trade in the making. Next, we line up our cross-hairs current signal bar and follow it down to the Turbo 5 CW confirming window. In the window, you will notice that the Turbo 5 gold indicator line leads the present signal bar by two going forward. It is a very leading price action confirming indicator. If it is heading down as it is in this first trade to the left example, we prepare to enter our binary options 5 minute trade as quickly as possible at the opening of the next bar. For you newbies that might not be very familiar with using the bar chart, looking at the bar straight on, the horizontal protrusion on the left of the bar is the opening and the one on the right of the bar is the closing of the 5 minute period. Of course the highest part of the bar is the high for the 5 minutes and the lowest part is the low. Bear in mind, that none of the white lines or the magenta markings are part of the system, they are just for illustration purposes. Remember KISS (Keep it Simple Stupid) You'll notice 3 trades in about the first 2 hours or so, that's typical, at times there are 2 or 4.

Same Session : Looking at the Aussie/U.S. Dollar

Turbo 5 Binary Options

Three more winners during the same session with something I will explain on the first trade on the left, a put trade signal. To clarify the explanation on the chart, we had a PUT gold signal dot and an audible/text box alert to a down trade. We lined up our cross-hairs but we see the confirmation line for the next bar is going to be heading up so we wait for the next bar. We line up our cross-hairs on the next bar and see that our confirmation line is dead flat so we wait for the next 5 minute bar. Finally the 3rd bar after the signal, counting the signal bar, opens and we line up our cross-hairs again and we see a definite down slope of the confirmation line so we jump in the put trade at the opening of the next bar, the 4th after the signal, for a winner. These types of trades are not prevalent but I will even go up to 1 more bar most of the time. After that, if there is no trade, I wait for the next signal and alert. Takes a little patience but to me it's worth it, guess it depends on your level of patience.

Let's Take a Look at The U.S. Dollar/Japanese Yen : Same Session

Turbo 5 Binary Options

Three nice trades, same time period, all winners. Now I don't want you to think this technical trading system is infallible but you will probably find that most of your losses when they occur, are due to something that you did wrong, which we all experience, old pro or newbie trader alike. At times, I'm too slow jumping in because I'm doing other things and not paying close enough attention or I'll get in too much of a hurry and enter the trade on the binary platform in the wrong direction. Most of us have them moments, You know who you are (ha, ha). Seriously though, the system does verify a false trade now and then but you should, after a little practice, consistently obtain at least a 75% win ratio and probably more like 80% or better. Every trader is different, has a different risk tolerance, nerves, etc. etc.

The Fast Moving Euro/Japanese Yen : New York Session

Turbo 5 Binary options

Three more "In The Money" Winners a Little Later in The N.Y. Session! Hope this isn't getting monotonous. You should be excited to the bone!

Lastly, The Cable/Dollar : Better Known as the British Pound/U.S. Dollar

Turbo 5 Binary options

Hasn't been producing as many trades as the others lately. Two clear winners in about three hours time. Not too bad.


Well I sure hope you're getting excited about this program because I am, just telling you about it! I've probably said this before but trading binary options can be a lucrative home-based business just like internet marketing but much easier with far less stress. I said that to say this, like any other business, it requires some type of capital investment. Money management and a little common sense are necessary ingredients also. You have probably seen the statements all over the net from the so called expert pro traders about never risking more than 1% to 3% of your account. Well that's great if you can open an account with $5000. or more but many potential new traders cannot afford that so I'm telling you that it is O.K. to risk 10% or even a little more with caution when you are starting out with a smaller account with only a few hundred dollars in it. Imagine trading only $3. or $4. per trade even if you could find a broker that has that available, you would soon get bored and probably give up. I've been trading for over 15 years now and I do not like to leave $5000. or more in a broker's account so I am always trading 5% to 10% of my account balance. These are just a few things to keep in mind especially if you are a newbie about to take the exciting plunge into the world of binary options trading. I presently have over 1500 client traders trading one or more of my systems. Many are supplementing their incomes with it very nicely while others are making a full-time income. It's easy to see the potential, for example, in a 2 to 3 hour trading session as seen above, there are over 12 good trade generated, say an average of 13. A hypothetical situation could be a person trading this system about 3 hours per day, say 13 trades at $100. each. Say for example the broker's payout is 72% and you were averaging about 80% wins. That would be about 10.5 wins at $72. each for a total of $756. less the 2.5 losers at $250. That would be over $500. per trading day times 20 days = over $10,000. per month. Even at a 75% win ratio, we would be looking at close to $7K per month so you can see the potential is there for great earnings for relatively a few hours of fun work per day. Anyhow here is a few more example charts to look at from the London and the Tokyo sessions. Because this particular system works well in all three major sessions, it can accommodate almost anyone's daily schedule. Anyhow if you have read this far, your eyes are probably ready for more pics. By the way, I'm not into fake testimonies nor do I bother my clients for them. When someone is having problems, I usually hear about it right away but when it's smooth sailing, I usually don't hear much. Every once and awhile, one of my clients sends me a testimony with permission to display it. Most people including myself like to keep their financial things private. Here is a pic of an email I just received the other day, short but encouraging.



Example Chart





Time For Another Unsolicited Testimony





Example Chart


Example Chart


Example Chart

I will be showing you some live results and a video of a live trade but below is a pic showing the 2 bar ahead leading confirming indicator in the lower window.

Example Chart

You can readily see above that the Turbo5CW indicator shows the probable direction of the next 2 bars that haven't even come up yet. Is that cool or what?

Here's a Couple of Videos Showing How I Trade the 5 Minute Turbo System

These are 2 typical trades during the Tokyo session but the same would apply to London & N.Y.

First Off The Results For The Two Example Video Trades

Turbo 5 Example Trades


VideoPlayer 1VideoPlayer 2

trades 2_27_14

As you can see above, 5 trades 4 winners for an 80% win ratio. If you look close you will see that the bottom 2 trades were 60 second trades. That was my mistake for rushing things. They were winners and would also have won if they were 5 minute expiries but remember this was out of the recommended trading times so I don't suggest using this system for 60 second trades because it wasn't designed for it and you will end up with a bad win ratio. Anyhow here are a few other results during beta testing.


Four trades, 3 winners, one loser for a 75% win ratio.


Here we have 7 trades with 6 winners and one loser. A lesson here to be alert, don't do what I do, just what I say (ha,ha) Again, I forgot to change the first trade to 5m because I was doing other work on the computer so it was an hour trade, still won, some would call it luck but I call it a blessing. Still we are looking at an 83% win ratio. It's a forgiving system but you're better off to be more alert and make sure you're placing 5 minute trades as the system was specifically designed for that expiry time. Well without sounding too bias here, this is the best binary options trading system that you'll probably find at any price on the net but I'm not going to stick it to you. I have been told a multitude of times by family, friends and even clients that I sell my systems too cheap but i guess I'm just and old softy so my price remains the same, a measly $37. and you get unlimited personal support from yours truly along with the system. Is that a deal or what? It's decision making time and it is a "No Brainer" Just jump on that big "ADD TO CART BUTTON" below and you can be trading in the next 15 minutes or so.


"Refund Policy:  There are no refunds due to this being a digital product.  If you cannot accept this policy,

do not purchase my product.  By purchasing my products you are accepting my refund policy."


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Click On This Link To Check Out Some Of My other Trading Systems


That's it folks, as I always say, the ball is in your court. I say pick it up and run with it and start making some big bucks or do nothing and stay in the same spot. I hope you make the right choice and we will see you on the other side.

God Bless, Cheers, Ciao, Au revoir, and Adios.

Trader Ed


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READ THIS BEFORE CONSIDERING ANY INVESTMENT RECOMMENDATIONS: All forms of trading carry a high level of risk so you should only speculate with money you can afford to lose. You can lose more than your initial deposit and stake. Please ensure your chosen method matches your investment objectives, familiarize yourself with the risks involved and if necessary seek independent advice. NFA and CTFC Required Disclaimers:  Trading in the Foreign Exchange market is a challenging opportunity where above average returns are available for educated and experienced investors who are willing to take above average risk. However, before deciding to participate in Foreign Exchange (FX) trading, you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience and risk appetite. Do not invest money you cannot afford to lose. CFTC RULE 4.41 – HYPOTHETICAL OR SIMULATED PERFORMANCE RESULTS HAVE CERTAIN LIMITATIONS. UNLIKE AN ACTUAL PERFORMANCE RECORD, SIMULATED RESULTS DO NOT REPRESENT ACTUAL TRADING. ALSO, SINCE THE TRADES HAVE NOT BEEN EXECUTED, THE RESULTS MAY HAVE UNDER-OR-OVER COMPENSATED FOR THE IMPACT, IF ANY, OF CERTAIN MARKET FACTORS, SUCH AS LACK OF LIQUIDITY. SIMULATED TRADING PROGRAMS IN GENERAL ARE ALSO SUBJECT TO THE FACT THAT THEY ARE DESIGNED WITH THE BENEFIT OF HINDSIGHT. NO REPRESENTATION IS BEING MADE THAN ANY ACCOUNT WILL OR IS LIKELY TO ACHIEVE PROFIT OR LOSSES SIMILAR TO THOSE SHOWN. Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain inherent limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not actually been executed, the results may have under- or over-compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. Important risk note: Binary options trading also involves significant risk. Traders should be aware of their individual capital gain tax liability in their country of residence. TurboBinaryOption.com and it's affiliates are only in good faith "sharing information"  and is not making any recommendations to invest in currency or any other investment.  Nor is TurboBinaryOption.com, it's owners and affiliates responsible for any losses incurred by sharing any information and is only sharing this information in good faith. TurboBinaryOption.com, it's owners and it's affiliates are not responsible in any way for losses incurred.